Moerker is Swedish for Darkness. But spelled Möerker with Swedish letters... It's the exploration of the positive and protective darkness and the perception of the color black. The brand name come out of necessity. When Stefan was living in California he often was told that Scandinavia was a dark and cold place with high suicide rates. And that imprint in peoples minds had to be changed!
So Moerker is a series of products designed by Stefan Viterstedt, a Swedish Art Director. As many others he wears almost exclusively black, and if you have a single color wardrobe, quality and appreciation of detail becomes extra important. That's what separates the items you own. And the less you have to replace the items you love the better for the planet.
Black is a dimension of non color and non light. An idea of sophistication and quality. Produced as locally as possible with an intention of reducing carbon print. Stefan is vegetarian and all items will be completely vegetarian and produced organically as much as possible.
Moerker will keep adding more and more products to the line. Clothes, bags accessories, items you need in your everyday life. And party life.